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Larger Investors

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Portfolio Management Advantages for the 
                Larger Investor

                        Mutual funds Don't Work

If your investment portfolio is large enough to diversify without
resorting to mutual funds, you'd be ahead of the game.  Mutual 
funds don't make sense for larger investors for the following reasons:







1.    High Fees
2.    Tax Planning Inflexibility
3.    No Investment Discipline
4.    Over-restrictive Mandates
5.    Groupthink
6.    Not Agile
7.    Over-diversification
8.    Impersonal Service

If you are an investor with a large portfolio, E investment adviser.com can create your own “fund”.

Advantages include: 

Lower Fees

E investment adviser.com charges a significantly lower fee than most actively managed equity mutual funds and lower than a significant number of the asset allocation programs that use mutual funds. 

Fully Disclosed Fees

Mutual funds are forced to disclose the annual expense of assets charged to manage your money.  But the fees do not include the brokerage commissions charged when the fund buys or sells securities.  At E investment adviser.com, you know exactly what your brokerage fees are.  We do our own research, so you pay low brokerage commissions—lower than you’d get as an individual through full service brokers. 

Tax Planning

Managing your investments in your best interest, we can appropriately manage to minimize your taxes.  We may sell or hold your investments across years to match your specific tax situation.  We can customize our tax advantage strategies to match you needs. 

Disciplined Mandates

You and E investment adviser.com agree to a specific mandate and that’s what we adhere to.  You can amend or adjust direction any time. 

Flexible Mandates 

You can give us guidelines as broad or as narrow as you want. 


With fewer, larger investors, we keep the number of client relationships and the total size of assets under management small enough to allow us to take decisive action without influencing the market. 

Independent Thinking, Innovative Research

We do our own research and rely on our years of experience to protect your capital and minimize the risk. We also believe that being located far from the “Street” helps us avoid groupthink.  Nonetheless, we’re required to tell you that the volatility of the market makes it impossible to make any guarantee of success.

Prudent, Personalized Diversification

We manage each account individually.  We diversify to the right level for you, reflecting your situation and preferences.  We carefully select a group of stocks to match those criteria. 

Personalized Service

We get to know our clients.  Your needs and objectives dictate the service you get and the way we manage your portfolio.  If you want to be involved in the details, we advise you on everything.  Or you can have us do everything.

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